星期一早上,马里兰州一架小型飞机撞上电线,造成周边县大范围停电,几小时后两人获救。蒙哥马利县消防队长斯科特·戈尔茨坦(Scott Goldstein)说,飞机于12点16分被固定在塔台上,第一个乘员于12点25分从飞机上撤离。第二名住户是在凌晨12点36分出来的。据马里兰州警方确认,65岁的华盛顿特区飞行员帕特里克·默克尔(Patrick Merkle)和66岁的路易斯安那州乘客简·威廉姆斯(Jan Williams)被困在离地面约100英尺(30米)的地方,戈尔茨坦没有透露谁首先从飞机中获救。他说,两人都在事故中“严重受伤”,体温过低也是一个问题。Goldstein说,两人都被送往当地的创伤中心,伤势没有生命危险。美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)在一份声明中说,这架单引擎飞机周日下午5点40分左右从纽约白原(White Plains)起飞,在盖瑟斯堡(Gaithersburg)蒙哥马利县航空公园(Montgomery County Airpark)附近撞上一座电线塔。美国联邦航空局确认这架飞机为穆尼M20J。视频显示,一架小型白色飞机机头朝上,停在一座电力塔附近。当地一家电视台的直播视频显示,晚上8点后,飞机仍被困在发射塔内。 The utility Pepco had reported that about 120,000 customers were without power in Montgomery County. At the time of the rescue, most of the power had been restored to the county, outside of the crash site. Goldstein said the next steps were to secure the plane, remove it and then the powerlines will be restrung and reconnected. The crash took place in Gaithersburg, a city of 69,000 people about 24 miles (39 kilometers) northwest of Washington, D.C. The cause of the crash wasn't immediately clear. The FAA and National Transportation Safety Board will investigate what happened.